Monday, March 18, 2013

Bad Breath

There are a few different causes of bad breath. Ranging from stomach problems to diets and teeth problems, most of the causes can be found in the mouth. They are:

Tongue (when bacteria grows in between the papilla)
Teeth cavities (especially when food particles get stuck in them)
Gum diseases
Extraction sites during healing
Dentures when not cleaned properly
Alcohol and tobacco
If you or someone you know is concerned about bad breath, the first step is a dental check up. Your dentist will be able to confirm or rule out the source of bad breath.

When the cause is found, treatment will be determined and explained by your dentist. If the source of the bad breath is your mouth, there is little chance that mouth washes or mints can treat the problem. They usually mask the problem for a short period of time, and can sometimes exacerbate the situation (mouthwashes that contain alcohol cause dry mouth and usually make the bad breath worse).

These are a few other, non-dental reasons that cause bad breath:

Sore throat
Some food
Infection of air passages
Following a good oral hygiene routine and receiving regular dental check ups are the best ways to prevent bad breath.

If you have any questions about treatment of bad breath and you live in San Francisco or surrounding area, give us a call today!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dental Health and Your Diet

Sugar is the main cause of dental decay when there are bacteria present. More significant than the amount of sugar you eat is the frequency of consumption.

oral health and diet San Francisco
Probably the worst thing you can do to your teeth is to drink a soda and have a sip every few minutes over a long period of time; the same is true for snacking. It is recommended that if you want to have a snack or soda or juice it is better to have it after food, as dessert, or have it in one sitting. Eating or drinking something sweet over an extended period of time creates a constant supply of sugar for bacteria that causes tooth decay!

It is important to be aware of all the sources of sugar that are out there. It is not just everything that is sweet, but anything that can turn to sugar like pieces of bread. Cutting down your sugar intake is good for cavity prevention, as well as your general health.

But what about when you have to have sugar? The best way to avoid cavities is to prevent the sugar from staying next to your teeth. Brushing after eating sugar, rinsing your mouth with Fluoride mouth wash, or chewing sugarless gum can help. However, nothing has the effect of avoiding sugar!

Is there any kind of food that prevents tooth decay? Well, not really. Some people believed that chewing foods like apples and carrots may have some plaque removal effect, but they still contain some sugar so any advantage is not clear.

Another group of food that causes significant damage to teeth structure is acidic foods. If in frequent contact with teeth, things like lime, lemon, and grapefruit can cause serious irreversible damage (erosion) to your teeth.

If you have any questions about diet and dental health and you live in or around San Francisco, give us a call today!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Quality Care for Your Child

In addition to dental school training at UCSF, Dr. Biana Roykh has received advanced training at the University of Nevada School of Medicine Dental General Practice where she treated pediatric patients both in the office and hospital settings. Dream Dental welcomes families to bring their children for routine check ups. The American Dental Association recommends your baby’s first visit to take place as early as 6 months. It is important for your children to start building a positive relationship with your dentist, so that the check ups are fun and free of discomfort. Dr. Roykh enjoys treating children in her office and she works closely with many pediatricians in the San Francisco community.

What to expect on your child’s first visit?

1. You will be welcomed by our friendly staff and be asked to fill out a medical history form for your child and a couple of office forms. Please note, a parent or a legal guardian must be present for the first visit.
2. Our team member will escort you and your child into a treatment room.
3. Dr. Roykh will come in and ask you about your child’s medical and dental history.
4. Your child will receive a check up exam, which will include evaluation of the temperomandibular joint, oral soft tissues (tongue, cheeks, lips, gums), and the teeth.
5.  If your child has molar teeth (either primary or permanent), a couple of check up x-rays may be recommended at that time. Also, if there are areas of suspicious decay or self-reported problem areas, Dr. Roykh will recommend x-rays there.
6. You are welcome to be present in the treatment room during your child’s examination.
7. At the end of the exam, Dr. Roykh will review all the findings and make any necessary recommendations. You will have ample opportunity to ask the doctor any questions you may have. No dental treatment will be performed until all your questions are answered.
8.  Your child will then receive a dental cleaning, which will include thorough removal of plaque, calculus or tartar stains and a polish of all the teeth with delicious kid-friendly paste (bubble gum, cherry, strawberry shortcake).
9. To congratulate your child on a job well-done, our friendly staff will offer him/her to pick a fun toy from the treasure chest.

Thank you for your interest in our office. Don’t wait and please call now to schedule your child’s check up exam – (415) 513-5433.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

How To Brush Your Teeth

The first step is to choose a good toothbrush. You always want to use a soft brush with a small head. A soft brush is hard enough to remove plaque, yet gentle enough not to damage your teeth or gums.
toothbrush San Franciscotoothbrush 2
The next issue is to select good toothpaste. In general, any toothpaste that contains Fluoride will do the job, unless you have special needs that are determined by your dentist. Two of the best brands of toothpastes are Colgate Total and Crest Multicare.

The first rule of brushing is to start from a specific location and work your way to the opposite side, continuing all the way through the whole mouth so that you end where you started. This way you won't miss any area. Usually a pea-sized amount of toothpaste is enough. An adequate brushing should at least take 2 minutes and preferably around 4 minutes.

There are a variety of techniques for brushing your teeth, but one of the most popular ones is described here:
Hold the brush at a 45 degree angle toward the teeth and gums. Gently press against the gums so the tips of the bristles go in between the gum and the teeth. Then apply a few lateral strokes and roll down the brush to sweep the plaque away from the teeth and the gum. Repeat this motion 6 to 10 times and move on to the next area of 2 to 3 teeth. If your mouth is full of foam, spit out and continue brushing. Your brushing is completed when you have brushed all the surfaces of your teeth, not when your mouth is full! On chewing surfaces, short strokes work best to get the plaque out of the grooves and pits. When brushing the back side of your front teeth, hold your brush vertically to be able to reach the teeth better.
As far as frequency of brushing is concerned, ideally you want to brush your teeth after each meal. But if you can’t, brush at least twice a day- after breakfast and before going to bed.

If you have any questions about brushing technique in or around San Francisco, give us a call today!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How To Floss Your Teeth

The surfaces that are between teeth are not accessible to brush; therefore, the best way to clean them is by flossing. The frequency of flossing is like brushing and ideally after each meal, though one time a day (before going to bed) is the minimum necessary.
flossing San Franciscodental floss San Francisco
To start, cut a piece of dental floss (approximately 2 feet). Wrap both sides of the floss around your middle fingers. Using your index and thumb, glide the floss in between all your teeth one by one. When flossing, make sure you are not cutting your gums. The goal is to clean the teeth surfaces, not the gums. In the space in between teeth, press the floss against each side of the tooth (hug the tooth) and gently move it back and forth and up and down. Then move to the opposite surface of the adjacent tooth.
If you have any questions about flossing your teeth and you live in or around San Francisco, give us a call today!